Is your team struggling to see each other as
MORE than their job titles?

Being seen, valued, and feeling a sense of belonging are critical to the success of high performing teams as well as retaining top talent. If you’re seeking to strengthen these qualities, Dr. Sarabeth Berk provides custom workshops that help employees learn how to communicate their professional identity and unique value in their roles.

Dr. Berk’s content focuses on:

  • Building a sense of belonging for all employees

  • Making employees feel seen and valued by coworkers and managers for who they really are (aka more than their job title)

  • Helping employees unpack their uniqueness and showing them how to effectively communicate their value in their role

  • Creating better tools and systems for hiring and managing hybrid talent so they feel engaged and remain at a company.

The problem organizations need to solve:

Talent management and retention are critical functions of every organization, yet how to lead, hire, train, and retain workers who possess diverse sets of professional identities (called hybrid professionals) is missing. That’s why it’s critical for organizations to understand the power of hybrid professionals and how to actively engage them.

Most hybrid professionals struggle to feel seen and valued for their hybridity because organizations don’t recognize it. They feel treated as round pegs in square holes, being compartmentalized and undervalued. While hybrids try to persist in their roles, eventually they become disengaged, dissatisfied and leave.

Learning how to embrace and empower hybrids so they succeed in companies is critical for the future.

The value hybrid professionals add to organizations:

  • Cross-functional and interdisciplinary expertise

  • Diverse perspective that notices and unlocks insights between disparate areas

  • An aptitude for category creation and invention

  • Pattern recognition and trend forecasting

  • Translating and adapting strategies, ideas and processes from different disciplines to create efficiencies and better experiences

Two critical ways Dr. Sarabeth Berk supports organizations:

  1. Strengthening culture by training teams to see and value each other as more than their job titles. Building awareness of the true professional identity each person possesses.

  2. Providing tools for talent managers and leaders to effectively support hybrid professionals. This includes strategies for recruiting and hiring all the way through management and retention.